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Li Zhao I received my Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Tsinghua University, China. In 2014, I received my Ph.D. from the Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia. I was a research fellow at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School from 2014 to 2018. After that, I was an assistant professor with tenure track at the Children’s National Hospital and the George Washington University and currently I am an assistant professor at the Zhejiang University, China.

Jiaxin Li [2021] Choroid plexus analysis using deep learning and pCASL sequence design.

Yu Zeng [2021] classificiation models, including PCA model of PD perfusion and temporal model of breast blood flow.

Yunzhi Xu [2021] Deep learning models including segmentation, image enhancement, and classification.

Liangchen Shi [2022] resting state functional MRI.

Jiaxin Zheng [2022] hadamard encoding pCASL.

Enjie Zheng [2022] Silent MRI acqusition.

Zhenyu Zhang [2023] pCASL signal simulation.

Ruoge Lin [2023] ASL image quality evaluation.


Destaw [2021] resting state functional MRI.